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Results for poems about cheating

Honesty | A Poem by Sebastian

January 18, 2018
Since I am not going steady with you You didn�t have to cover up everything You were within your limits to do what you did. I appreciate hon...
Honesty | A Poem by Sebastian Honesty | A Poem by Sebastian Reviewed by Lancers on January 18, 2018 Rating: 5

Cheater | A Poem by Emma Rose

January 15, 2018
I knew I should have listened to what they said, I should have believed them when they told me there was another in your bed, When I found o...
Cheater | A Poem by Emma Rose Cheater | A Poem by Emma Rose Reviewed by Lancers on January 15, 2018 Rating: 5
I'm a Cheater | A Poem by PYG's Whisper I'm a Cheater | A Poem by PYG's Whisper Reviewed by Lancers on November 20, 2017 Rating: 5
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