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Sayings And Quotations About Goodwill

Collection Of Best Goodwill Quotes (10 Quotes)

quotes on goodwill1. I just believe in the goodwill of people, the power of people to do something positive.
- Eddie Izzard

2. Never underestimate the allure of the goodwill.
- Stacey Jay

3. Goodwill is the one and only asset that competition cannot undersell or destroy.
- Ludwig Borne

4. Kindness to your family costs you almost nothing but affords a wealth of goodwill.
- Timothy Schaffert

5. No government is safe unless fortified by goodwill.
- Cornelius Nepos

6. The transcendent importance of love and goodwill in all human relations is shown by their mighty beneficent effect upon the individual and society.
- George David 

7. When you extend your goodwill in every direction, regardless of circumstances, you begin to see that we are all one.
- Lao Tzu

8. The will to good of the world knowers is the magnetic seed of the future.
- Alice A. Bailey

9. We can work together for a better world with men and women of goodwill those who radiate the intrinsic goodness of humankind.
- W. Maathai

10. Goodwill for a business is built by good goods, service and truthful advertising.
- E.R. Waite

Sayings And Quotations About Goodwill Sayings And Quotations About Goodwill Reviewed by Lancers on September 24, 2015 Rating: 5
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