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Quotes And Sayings On Foundation

Impressive Quotations About Foundation (14 Quotes)

foundation quotes1. It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.
- David Allan 

2. Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.
- J.K Rowling

3. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.
- Eckhart Tolle

4. Humility is the solid foundation if all virtues.
- Kong Fu Zi

5. The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty. 
- Zig Ziglar

6. Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.
- Nicholas M. Butler

7. You can maintain comfort in any environment as long as you have a solid foundation within self.
- Vernest Hines 

8. Let your past be your foundation for greatness.
- Ed Sykes

9. Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success.
- John Hays 

10. The sacred formula of positivism: love as a principle, the order as a foundation, and progress as a goal.
- Auguste Comte

11. Pride in what and who you are is a strong foundation, but don't be defined by your oppression; use your anger, don't let it use you.
- Dave McKean 

12. The thing that lies at the foundation of positive change , the way I see it, is service to a fellow human being.
- Lee 

13. If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundation under them.
- Henry David Thoreau

14. The foundation of economic development is the acquisition of more productive knowledge.
- Ha Joon Chang
Quotes And Sayings On Foundation Quotes And Sayings On Foundation Reviewed by Lancers on November 20, 2015 Rating: 5
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