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Best Motivational Quotation about Life & love

Quotation about Life & love

Three things of life that are most valuable - Love, self-confidence & friends.

Love and friends are the most valuable relations in every one life. Without love life is incomplete. we need someone in live who hold our hand both in our happiness and sadness.  Just like we are also incomplete without friends. God gives up brother and sister but we God also give friend as a gift. A famous saying is a man having no friend is the poorest man in the world.

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Do you think our life is complete without Love and friends? 
Do you think life is colorful without love and friends? 
Do you think friends makes our life a life ?

Best Motivational Quotation about Life & love Best Motivational Quotation about Life & love Reviewed by Lancers on August 27, 2016 Rating: 5
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