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Best Quotes and Saying about Values

Best Quotes and Saying about Values

Everything is valuable only in two situations .Before Getting it and After Losing it.

In Life we have some most important relations but we don't care about it. We not realize how much important these relations for us in our life .Relations like Parents , Brother/Sister , Husband/Wife, Boyfriend/Girlfriend and so on .Each relations have its own beauty and importance in our life but we don't realize when we have. Like Our relation with our parents( father & Mother). Our parents done so allot for us from our childhood to teen age but our thinking is that was their responsibility but we don't think how difficulties they face to fill full these responsibilities. We just think they do what they have to do but we never think now it's our turn to do something for them in their old age. When we have our parents we not care of them but when the leave us then we remember their love for us as we miss them in our life , we want them our life as we want to share our problems with them we want support from them we want their advice and we miss them when we see other with their parents on...

When we love someone , We are ready to die for him/her. We can wait for him/her, we can take time form our busy schedule for him/her and we are ready to do anything and we don't care its good or bad for us but once we get our love then some time we are getting bore or fight with our lover. we want to live alone again  and when we alone we realize we have to live together again.

Share your thoughts with us on relations and tell us what is your opinion about the value of relations before getting and losing it.
Best Quotes and Saying about Values Best Quotes and Saying about Values Reviewed by Lancers on August 27, 2016 Rating: 5
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