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Respecting someone indicate the quality of your personality.


Respecting someone indicates the quality of your personality.

Respecting others is a silent way to express our feeling for them. It's an unspoken way of communication which build unshaken and strong relations between people respecting each other. When a person shows respect for someone, then it means that the person has some value for him. His advice and suggestions are important for him. Some people, particularly the younger generation, think that showing respect to someone means that you are degrading yourself. They take respect as a sign of weakness or inferiority which could harm one's self-respect. But it is absolutely wrong concept about the basic trait or emotion which makes us a real human being. Another way of understanding that respects important is to imagine a world without respect.

Think if nobody has respect for others views and thinking, regarding every aspect of life, and try to impose his own will then what would be the situation. Certainly we will stop tolerating each other completely and will become absolutely selfish in our thoughts and deeds which is actual moral degradation. We will start slipping towards immoral actions which leave no room for existing human civilization. In short, if respect is taken out of human values then there is almost no difference between a human being and a beast left, other than physical appearances. So respect others and make them respect you through you respected and polished manners. Don't forget to distinguish between respect and flattering as respect makes you a human being of higher moral value while flattering makes you a degraded person with no self respect at all. (source)
Respecting someone indicate the quality of your personality. Respecting someone indicate the quality of your personality. Reviewed by Lancers on March 29, 2017 Rating: 5
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