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Cool Whatsapp Status #2 [25]

#01,  “370HSSV0773H” Read it upside down. "

#02,  " I’m cool but Summer  made me hot!

#03,  " You don’t need to like me I’m not Facebook status.

#04,  " Music is my escape from the bullshit in life..

#05,  " I want my Girlfriend like Google, She will understand me better.

#06, " Life is too short Don't waste it updating status !

#07,  " Every problem comes with solution, but my GF don't have.

#08,  "Dear Lord, there is a bug in your's called #Sunday, please fix it !

#09,  " I can drive you crazy without a drivers license.

#10,   " I miss the days when I was put my head on my desk...

#11,   " Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. But If you treat me like a game, i’ll show you how its played.

#12,  " Every problem comes with some solution. .....If it doesn’t have any solution, it’s a Girl! 

#13,   " If people are trying to bring you ‘Down’, ..It only means that you are ‘Above them’.

#14,  " Try to solve your problem yourself ...Don't Depend on other..!

#15,  " I am not Spiderman Nor Superman However i am superhero for my GF.! 

#16,  " WIFE & INSULT Are Somewhat Similar,They Always Look Good,IF IT IS NOT YOURS!.... 

#17, " Beauty is like Moon, looks much better at Night...

#18, " Someone asked me How is your life? I just smiled and replied, She is fine..

#19, " Our language is called the mother tongue because the father never gets a chance to Speak.

#20, "  Be the girl everyone wants not the girl everyone has..

#21, " Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your rejection of the natural laws. "

#22, " Coffee, chocolate, men… some things are just better rich..!! "

#23, " Let Fools Chase The World.. I only want you ??

#24, " Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going..!! "

#25, " Inner beauty won’t get you laid. ;) "

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Cool Whatsapp Status #2 [25] Cool Whatsapp Status #2 [25] Reviewed by Lancers on April 06, 2017 Rating: 5
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