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8 Motivational Tim Fargo Quotes

Tim Fargo Quotes

Great experiences are built on a foundation of bad experiences. Read more quotes from Tim Fargo.

1. "What you choose today will determine who you are tomorrow." — Tim Fargo

2. "Want to go really fast? Slow down and focus." — Tim Fargo

3. "Don't tell me about your effort. Show me your results." — Tim Fargo

4. "To give value to others, you have to begin by valuing yourself." — Tim Fargo

5. "Leaders don't need a path. They make one." — Tim Fargo

6. "The path to wisdom is paved with humility." — Tim Fargo

7. "Your mind is your prison when you focus on your fear." — Tim Fargo

8. "Chemistry is great, but eventually your relationship moves out of the laboratory." — Tim Fargo
8 Motivational Tim Fargo Quotes 8 Motivational Tim Fargo Quotes Reviewed by Lancers on September 20, 2017 Rating: 5
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