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One-Sided Love Story | A Poem by Shivangi Sharma

A morning tea with shining dew;
served in a way just like you,

I blink my eyes to see the beautiful view;
it appears like every glimpse of you,

This day reminds me of our very first meet;
when you were shut and I was sweet,

You liked the way I looked at you;
I was in pink and I guess you were in blue,

We saw each other with a casual look;
it sounds like a para of some storybook,

Soon the time came to fly through sky;
we were not even bothered to say the last goodbye,

Got busy into life;
started to find ways to survive,

The time when sleep was stolen from night;
next day we connected on some social networking site,

With time chats converted to daily from weekend;
slowly rare turned to frequent,

We became each other's reason to smile;
so what if we were far away a few miles,

We started assuming things for the future;
not even a thought to make the present better,

Our feelings were conveyed directly;
but the scene was not completed perfectly,

This is one of the sui generis love stories;
where everything is cleared but still a one-sided love story!
One-Sided Love Story | A Poem by Shivangi Sharma One-Sided Love Story | A Poem by Shivangi Sharma Reviewed by Lancers on November 18, 2017 Rating: 5
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