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Fed by Songs | A Poem by Halkren

Every sight today
Seems to makes things look ok
I hear sounds, noises and voices

Just leaving me with my own devices
No matter what I do
No matter what I see

Nothing comes close to the songs I feed to my mind
Melting away all of this useless time
As it leaves and I still remain

The noises return before the end of my day
I find myself stuck in this endless loop
Waking and dealing, living then resetting

Over and over, I wonder if it's worth it
As time continues to wash away the days
I lie here just wasting away

So I ask the question, why?
None of the voices answer

They just sit and mock as I fade away
That's it
that's all there is

just another day
Fed by Songs | A Poem by Halkren Fed by Songs | A Poem by Halkren Reviewed by Lancers on January 27, 2018 Rating: 5
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