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I Am Not Afraid | A Poem by Sara Chism

He came to me in the night
He whispered to me
He told me of the greatness to come
And I was not afraid.

He took hold of my hand.
His frozen touch was haunting
His bones grasped tightly against my skin
But I was not afraid.

He took me away from the familiar bed
That I once laid in that night
But now I was gone
Onto an unknown wonder
Still I was not afraid.

He looked into my eyes
With those barren pits of his
Guided me into the dark
Until I could no longer see
No longer feel
I am not afraid.

I Am Not Afraid | A Poem by Sara Chism I Am Not Afraid | A Poem by Sara Chism Reviewed by Lancers on January 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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