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When I | A Poem by Krystle Hunt

When my teacher stops picking on me,
I will be smart.
When I am smart,
I will know the right clothes to wear.
When I know the right clothes to wear,
I will stop being called names.
When they stop calling me names,
I will be able to make friends.
When I finally make friends,
I will be popular.
When I am popular,
I will be important.
When I am important,
I will have confidence.
When I have confidence,
I will go to college.
When I finish school,
I will be accomplished.
When I am accomplished,
I will be proud.
When I am proud,
I will love myself.
When I love myself,
I will lose weight.
When I lose weight,
I will be ready.
When I am ready,
I will meet someone.
When I meet someone,
I will be worth it.
When I am worth it,
I will get married.
When I get married,
I will be loved.
When I am loved,
I will be able to give that love to a child.
When I am able to give that love to a child,
I will know true love.
When I know true love,
I will be happy.

Except maybe I won�t.
When I | A Poem by Krystle Hunt When I | A Poem by Krystle Hunt Reviewed by Lancers on January 09, 2018 Rating: 5
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