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La Sovereign | A Poem by Santosh Kumar Pokhrel

Her limbs are sovereign
And how dare one
Her grace beckon
Again and again?
They belong to her
None can deter
Her emotion
No value here is your notion,
Of her.
So now infer,
She may be a precaution.

Move slow!
There shall be no flaw
Very serious job
Not least a fun
I have had once this begun.

Inferred since then
She�s an integer
That all would prefer
Her graces gain.

No way but wait
For her kind mandate
She herself does her reign
She is sovereign!

Santosh Kumar Pokhrel is a senior civil engineer and poet from Nepal. He spent almost seven years in Moscow during his studies. He is member of various literary sites where he is published frequently. Mr Pokhrel is a published poet who has written hundreds of poems and has two published books, the latest being "Sacramento Poems" available in e-book form at His work can be read in several English
literary journals in the US and internet sites.

He shares his poems in several Facebook literary groups under S. Pokhrel. He enjoys three world languages English, Russian and French including Hindi and his mother tongue Nepali.  Most of his poems are lyrical and rhyming, ranging from simple and romantic to metaphysical and full of oriental sentiments.  He is found dancing with pleasure and crying out in distress in his poems.

He writes in English, Nepali and Hindi.
La Sovereign | A Poem by Santosh Kumar Pokhrel La Sovereign | A Poem by Santosh Kumar Pokhrel Reviewed by Lancers on February 11, 2018 Rating: 5
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