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Our Day | A Poem by Solim Tchedre

It�s raining again tonight
Staring out the window
I wish upon the stars
They are lost in the skies
But I believe they can still hear
Holding on to this silk
Eyes shut close
I can dream again
Raindrops beating against the glass
And my heart beating against my chest
With all the strength let in me
I force the silk against my chest
Against my heart
It�ll keep it from bleeding tonight
They say it will be the day of love soon
And I�ll write a poem for you, the most beautiful yet
Prepare a dinner, your favorite
I�ll make the bed, with roses and petals
It�ll be our day
Our Day | A Poem by Solim Tchedre Our Day | A Poem by Solim Tchedre Reviewed by Lancers on February 13, 2018 Rating: 5
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