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5 Effective Ways To Get Motivated To Reach Your Goals

After lots of preparation and clearly dfining your goal, you pushed yourself to putting in your best efforts.

But even with so much work and time gone into it,  it's still not within your reach.

Faced with zigzags and hurdles you never predicted, your happiest moments dissipate, and you have little or no energy to work creatively and enthusiastically. You feel confused,drained and worn out.

All your excitement about accomplishing your goal is suddenly gone and you feel miserable and at the brink of giving up.

Wait! Don't give up !

‘’Give yourself permission to toot your own horn…"  - Jack Canfield

Here are 6 effective strategies to help you get motivated to achieving your goals.

1. Envisage the biggest benefits of achieving that goal

What does accomplishing this goal means you? How will it better your life? What would be the best thing that could happen if you achieved your goals?

What are it's greatest benefits? Spend time to think about it

Visualizing all you stand to gain by  attaining  your goal is a great way to get motivated.

2. Savor your progress so far( and memories of previous achievements too )

What have you been able to do so far? What important experiences/lessons have you learnt since you started out?

Dwell on these and not the setbacks.

Unless you take the time to sit back and relive your achievements, applaud your efforts, and allow the warm glow of a job well done to trickle down into the deep recesses of your neural structure, you will not be able to build the kind of memories that give rise to competence and resilience. Instead, you'll obsess about everything that went wrong and build a memory bank that has ‘failure’ writ large all over.(Happify )

Do you remember how your persistence and determination paid off the other time? What about the other time you did what XYZ  thought you couldn't do?

Research has shown over and over again that the more you acknowledge your past successes, the more confident you become in taking on and successfully accomplishing new ones.  You know that even if you fail, it won't destroy you, because your self esteem is high. And the more you risk, the more you win in life. The more shots you take , the more chances you have of scoring. - Jack Canfield

3. Surround yourself with the right people

There are two types of people - anchors and motors. You want to loose the anchors and get with the motors because the motors are going somewhere and they're having more fun. The anchors will just drag you down -  Wayland

When you’re working toward a goal, it’s easy to get caught up in the drudgery of getting to that finish line. You start working harder, and harder, and harder. But that, actually is not the best way to go about it.

To be able to constantly deliver on your goals, you need to constantly motivate yourself, and the most important way to do that is to surround yourself with positivity.

Take some time to tweak your environment.

Be selective about those you hang around.

Studies show that over time, you develop the eating habits, health habits and even career aspirations of those around you. If you’re in a group of people who have really high goals for themselves you’ll take on that same sense of seriousness and vice-versa.

Hang around people who don't have similar goals like yours or who don't share your enthusiasm about your goals, and it will be only a matter of time before you get distracted and loose motivation.

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4. Create a vision board

A vision board is a powerful  tool that helps you narrow down your desires through the power of choice. The tool helps you invest the time and energy to visualize your future and consistently reminds you of your life goals.

Another popular term for it is dream board.

The best way to achieve your goals is to keep them top of mind, so you’re always looking for ways to move yourself closer to them – and a vision board is the perfect tool to help you do that.

By putting a vision board somewhere you can see it every day, you will prompt yourself to visualize your ideal life on a regular basis. And that’s important because visualization activates the creative powers of your subconscious mind and programs your brain to notice available resources that were always there but escaped your notice. Through the Law of Attraction, visualization also magnetizes and attracts to you the people, resources, and opportunities you need to achieve your goal.

4. Keep the big picture in mind

You can get sustaining motivation that grows stronger and more compelling each day by keeping the big picture in mind.

Personally I give 101% to reaching my goals because I  have a bigger vision, and so the present goal may seem insurmountable but I know I have somewhere to go and I can't afford to not keep pushing.

5. Talk to yourself

When you wake up and before you go to sleep, mentally repeat or say aloud your personal affirmations about changes you’re making in your life.

According to Nathan Chai on Success  These affirmations aren’t things like I’m a happy person or I am wealthy.

You need to have a clearly measurable goal and the driving force behind why you’re committed to the goal. For example, I am committed to become fitter over the next 12 months, increasing my weekly hours exercising from one to eight, so I can be proud of my body and dedication.

You’ll also need to include the actions that will enable you to reach that goal. The next part of the affirmation might read, To ensure I increase my level of exercise, I will watch one less hour of TV per day and wake up 30 minutes earlier.

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5 Effective Ways To Get Motivated To Reach Your Goals 5 Effective Ways To Get Motivated To Reach Your Goals Reviewed by Lancers on May 30, 2018 Rating: 5
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