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How to understand the Quran

How to understand the Quran?

To appreciate the Quran fully one must take it up and launch into the task of calling people to God, making it one’s guide at every stage. Then and only then, does one meet the various experiences encountered at the time of its revelation. One experiences the initial rejection of its message, as was done by the city of Makkah. One comes face to face with Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab – (the enemies) as well as with Abu Bakr and Hamza (the friends) of Allah.

A man can neither understand the laws, nor the moral teachings, and the economic and political principles of the Quran, unless he tries to implement them in his own life. Hence, the individual who fails to implement this book into personal practice will fail to understand it.

As no other religious scripture present today provides a system of governance in the society except the Qurán, it is an only divine book which gives a perfect code of social governance, on individual as well as collective level.

Only Quran has the solutions to the problems of humanity. This book, initiated the greatest revolution in the history of mankind. Beginning with the preaching of a message by an individual; just within the short span of 23 years the kingdom of God was established on earth (Arabia) as it is present in the heavens above.

There is nothing left of the miracles shown by the earlier Prophets. That stick of Moses (peace be upon him) which turned into a serpent is no more to see. The miracles of Jesus (pbuh) healing the ones born deaf and blind cannot be witnessed by us today. But, the Qurán – the miracle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is still very much present and alive. It is a proof – the irrefutable proof – the irrefutable evidence, that he was a true messenger of God.

That fountain of love, peace and security – that system of social and economic justice which we desperately need today, can only be achieved with laws of God, it is He Who is the legislator, He makes the Laws and tells us what is allowed and what is forbidden. The masses are unaware and the media is bombarding miss-information about Islam. In such circumstances it becomes an obligatory duty of every true Muslim to present the correct picture of the Qurán and show the world that in it, is guidance and a Mercy from the Lord of Mankind – for all of humanity – for all time.

We are suffering in darkness from last 200 to 300 years, we are witnessing the evil effects of men made systems. Communalism had already failed and capitalism is on the brink of collapse. Is it not high time to turn towards the system of God – the One who made us as well the laws to regulate our lives?

Think again...

Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a Book (Quran). Wherewith Allah guides all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and brings them out of darkness, by His Will, to light and guides them to a Path that is Straight (Islam). Al-Quran Ch.5 Verse.15-16
How to understand the Quran How to understand the Quran Reviewed by Lancers on May 19, 2018 Rating: 5
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