Why God does not appear to us?
Why don’t God just appear to us and we will believe in Him and the big question would be so easily settled. “Oh yes! We will believe in Him if He appears to us with His angels in His glory!”
All sorts of such excuses are made by those who resist the believe in God. In other words, they want to settle the question in their way, and not in God’s way. That will not do. All decisions belong to Him. All questions go back to Him. He is THE GOD – the All-Mighty. We have to wait for His terms and do not expect Him to wait on ours.
The Pharaoh and his people at the time Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) were shown God’s glory and many clear Signs, Jesus (pbuh) was born miraculously without the intervention of a human father and yet they went after their own ways, and preferred their own whims and fancies. So do people in all ages.
God Himself speaks to us through His revelations and through His Creation, for all Nature glorifies Him. No thinking mind, if judges the matter fairly, can fail to find the same witness in his own heart and conscience. All this points to the Unity of God, His exalted Nature and His wisdom.
All His Messengers whether he be Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Muhammad (peace be upon them), in essence called people towards One God – One religion (Islam). Islam means bowing to the Will of God and thus all those who have faith should bow to the Will of God.
But those who are in active rebellion against God and make sin against their own inner lights – what mercy can they except? If they are so arrogant to suppose that they will defeat God’s Wisdom – the loss will be their own. God’s justice is sure, and when it comes, it will be strict and unmistakable to those who reject His Signs and then they will have no time to
Think again…
Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds, with angels and the question is (thus) settled? But to Allah do all questions go back (for decisions). Ask the Children of Israel how many clear (Signs) We have sent to them. But if anyone, after Allah’s favour has come to him, [renounces the Religion of Allah (Islam) and accepts Kufr (disbelief)] then surly, Allah is strict in punishment. (Al-Qur’aan Ch. 02 Ver. 210-211)
Why God does not appear to us..?
Reviewed by Lancers
May 26, 2018