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Best Attitude Quotes and Sayings

Attitude quotes

People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude. Read more quotes about attitude.

1. “It’s your place in the world; it’s your life. Go on and do all you can with it, and make it the life you want to live.” — Mae Jemison

2. “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” — John C. Maxwell

3. “Thank you to every person who has told me I can’t. You are just another reason I will.” — Manny Pacquiao

4. “Be who you want to b, not what other people want to see.” — Anonymous

5. “I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards.” — Abraham Lincoln

6. “I may not be the best, I may not loved by anyone but I am me. That’s what makes me special.” — Anonymous

7. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou

8. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” — Winston Churchill

9. “Whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, just be strong & act like you’re okay. Strong walls shake, but never collapse.” — Anonymous

10. “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” — Malala Yousafzai

11. “I am who I am, your approval is not needed.” — Anonymous

12. “Love me or hate me I’m still gonna shine.” — Anonymous

13. “You cannot change the wind, but you can adjust the sails.” — Elizabeth Edwards

14. “Every time that you hurt me, every time I felt pain, every lie that you told me made me who I’m today. ” — Anonymous

15. “Before you judge me make sure that you're perfect.” — Anonymous

Best Attitude Quotes and Sayings Best Attitude Quotes and Sayings Reviewed by Lancers on July 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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