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The 6 Most Important Success Factors Everyone Should Know About

What Determines Success In Life?

Is it hard work , talent , gene  or sheer luck?

While there are several factors that that can influence your short and long term success. There are 7 major factors that everyone must pay attention to in order to create the type of success they want.

These 7 factors trumps every other factors.

What are these factors?

1. Education.

Investment in knowledge pays the best interest --- Abraham Lincoln

According to Brian Tracy , the highest paid people are those who knows more than the average. They can make a more valuable contribution to a knowledge-based society and live the best life possible. They are valued more, respected more and ultimately paid more money and promoted more often.

How much you know in your chosen career or circle determines the amount of success you are likely to get.

The rule is that, “to earn more, you must learn more.”

Successful people never stop learning and so they tend to know the critical facts, ideas and information than the average person in their field.

2. Your Mindset

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t — you’re right,” said Henry Ford.

People with very similar circumstances in life can bring about very different results in their life, purely because of their mindset.

Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck summarizes decades of research on how a person's mindset affects achievement and success in her book "Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success". Her research shows that there are two mindsets that we all employ: Fixed and Growth.

The "fixed mindset" individuals belief that some are better than others, and it will always be this way. They believe that talent and luck only creates success—without effort. These types of people feel defeated after a failure and step away from challenges outside their comfort zone.

People with a "growth mindset" on the other hand believes that a positive trait can be developed. Unsurprisingly, this is an essential ingredient in brewing your success.

Successful people believe that if they engage in the same activities that positive, confident, optimistic, and other successful people engage in, they will eventually become one of them and live their best life possible.

"Anyone can remain positive when things are going well. It is your ability to look for the good in every situation that you see positive and start moving forward in life" , said Brian Tracy

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” -- Mahatma Gandhi

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3. Skill

The third essential factor for success is skill.

You only become successful if you can provide some value to people.

Your level of ability in your field will determine the quality and quantity of your results. The better you get at what you do, the more value you can easily create .

The more skillful you become, through study and experience, the more you get better and better at doing the small things that increase the speed and predictability of your results.

4. Your Environment

"Being around smart people makes us smarter and more innovative."-- Enrico Moretti

Whatever your dream is, it will prove very hard to achieve if you remain in the wrong environment.

Your environment consists of everything that influences you.

There's a reason Brazil is the most successful footballing nation on earth and they keep turning out great players. There's a reason most of the world's most successful entrepreneurs are either graduates or dropouts of universities like Harvard, Stanford and MIT.

The point is where you live, those you come in contact with, the information you hear and what you see constantly shapes your aspirations, desire, belief and determines your success.

Actors don’t go to Los Angeles for the climate, though it’s nice. They go because that’s the best place to act. Programmers flock to Silicon Valley, activists to Washington, D.C., and writers and editors to New York and Nashville for the same basic reason. --MichaelHyatt

5. Money

Having options gives you freedom , says Brian Tracy. If you are stuck in a dead-end job that you cannot leave because you have no money set aside, you have put a brake on your potential.

Having money in the bank gives you greater freedom and the ability to take advantage of opportunities when they come along. If you are broke, or in debt, you have very few options open to you.

6. Your Work Ethics

Whether your goal is to develop world-record strength, become rich and famous, or just live a happy and successful live, you’re going to have to work at it! -- Mike Robertson

It takes hard work to become successful. If you don’t dedicate yourself to your work for an extended period of time, you will not reach your goals!

So are you passionate about your work? Are you dedicated, professional and responsible? These are just some of the principles required for success.

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The 6 Most Important Success Factors Everyone Should Know About The 6 Most Important Success Factors Everyone Should Know About Reviewed by Lancers on July 08, 2018 Rating: 5
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