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Islam is religion of peace The Year of sorrow

The year of sorrow
Year of sadness ( 10th year of prophet hood ). Prophet Muhammad ( Peace and blessing upon him ) encounter with innumerable adversities forth his life span. Nevertheless, one of the toughest age occur was the year sadness and bereavement. In the year ( 619CE ) not long after abolition of the boycott, the prophet ( Peace and Blessing upon him ) experienced immense calamity in the death of his wife Khadijah ( may Allah pleased with her ) and his uncle Abu Talib. He beside agony also experienced a lot subsequently. 
Allah loves a people, He test them and whoever accept it attains his pleasure, whosoever shows discontentment with it incurs his anger.
(Narrated and Classed as Hasan by Al-Tirmidhi (2396) Authenticated by al-Albani in As-Silsilah as}

.. Only those who are patient shall receive their reward full without reckoning”
( Al Quran Surah Az-Zumar verse 10 )

The Death of Abu Talib
The prophet ( peace and blessing on him ) abruptly faced with excruciating event which left a very unwholesome effect on the morale of the vulnerable Muslims. Hence, it so happened when distinguished ally and defender of Islam breathed his last.The prophet lost his supporter and defender, who was there when he was eight years of age. The prophet lost an individual whom Abdul Mutallib had made his custodian while breathing his last. Abu Talib was not only who raised prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon him ) but also shielded the prophet against Quraish, because he had a great esteem over them and they respected him so much that they could not vandalize prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) as long as Abu Talib is guarding him. Over Forty years, he was prophet’s faithful friend and the guardian of his youth.
The Mother of believers khadija ( Radhi Allahu Anha ) passed away
Khadija ( Radhi Allahu Anha ) The mother of believers breathe one’s last. In Ramadan of the tenth year of his prophet hood. It was another great agony and grief from him. She was not only his wife but also his intimate friend, his wife counselor and Gardener for his whole household including Ali, Zaid and his four daughters. She was first to believe him and sacrificed her wealth to spread Allah’s message. His four daughters were overwhelmed with grief, but he was able to pleasure them by telling that Gabriel had once come to him and revealed him to give Khadija ( Allah be pleased with her ) aloha of Peace from her Lord and to tell her that He had prepared for her an abode in Jannah ( paradise ). The death of Prophet’s uncle and his wife hurt him emotionally. Once Prophet ( peace be upon him ) answered in candid burst of emotion to Aisha ( Radiallahu Anha ) about her.
“ She believed in me when no one did. She embraced Islam when people doubted me. She accompanied and encourage me and spend all his wealth when there was no one to supported me. I had children from her only.”( The sealed Nector by Saifur Rahman al Mubarakpuri )
Prophet ( peace be upon him ) lost the two beloved people to him one after the other, they passed away at a critical stage forthwith after the siege and when Quraysh wanted to assassinate him.
basic brief of Islam.
Islam belief 
Prophet Journey to Taif
In spite of his sorrow Prophet ( peace be upon him ) never admit defeat he headed towards Taif ( a place 60 kms from Mecca ) with his freed slave Zayd with aim of extending the message of Islam outside Mecca. He spent around 10 days trying to call people towards right path. But there too he was disappointed, he was mocked and insulted, some tried to chase him away, they pelted stones and in one accident Zayd trying to defend him was wounded gravely on his head. Heart broken and depressed Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) set the way back to Mecca.
Allah revealed his verses
And be patient (O Muhammad), for the decision of your lord, for indeed you are in our eyes, and exalt (Allah) with praise of your lord when you arise.( Surah At -Tur-48 )
Attitude of the Prophet
Nevertheless, in tough time he place his forth and hope in Allah ( swt ) only.The loses accrued during his lifetime is a testimony that Islam succeeded by virtue protection of Allah ( swt ) and not due to help a particular person.
Regardless of all distressed incident, he persisted his mission, calling people towards Islam, though their response was antagonistic
In spite of his sorrow, he continue his mission and headed towards Taif to preach Allah’s word. This incident was magnanimous example of generous and loving nature of prophet ( peace be upon him ). Despite being physically and mentally injured by people, he was not angry with their persecution instead he prayed Allah to forgive them.
Prophet ( peace be upon him ) always contemplate for Allah’s pleasure in what he did, he never deplore on his journey to Taif, as long as Allah wasn’t angry with him.
Prophet had Unshakable belief in the Hereafter. It was deeply rooted in the heart of Prophet that one day everyone will be risen on the day of resurrection and future of next life depend wholly on acts of provisional life spend on Earth. It will be either everlasting paradise or the torment of Hell fire. He understood that life with all amenities and suffering are worthless when compared with Hereafter. Such deep conviction brought a sense of disaffection to all predicament and calamities that attended his life.
belief of islam
Islam is religion of peace 

Lings, Martin. ‘Muhammad his life based on earliest sources’ from the section ‘year of sadness’ Page numbers 96 - 100
Mubarakpuri, Safi ur Rahman, Ar Raheeq Al Makhtum, The sealed Nector ), from section ‘year of grief’’
Youssef, H. (2014) Article the “year of sadness”, doi (31.01.2014), Retrieved from
Al Tirmidhi 2396, As-Silsilah as saheehah no.164
Al Quran 52 : 48
Al Quran 39 : 10

Islam is religion of peace The Year of sorrow Islam is religion of peace The Year of sorrow Reviewed by Lancers on August 13, 2017 Rating: 5
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