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Together Forever | A Poem by Sydney Rose

Together forever
Was all I wished for
Together forever
Was all I dreamed of
Together forever
Was all I could see
Together forever
Was all I believed in
Together forever
Was all I thought the future would be
Together forever
Was all I spoke about
Together forever
Was all that was on my lips
Together forever
Was all that was in my heart
But to you
Together forever
Was only a statement
Together forever
Was only a reply
Together forever
Was only a formality
Together forever
Was only a way of charming girls
Together forever
Was only that you never meant
I got everything
The hurt, the pain, the tears, the heartbreak
Except together forever
Together Forever | A Poem by Sydney Rose Together Forever | A Poem by Sydney Rose Reviewed by Lancers on January 17, 2018 Rating: 5
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